3.11   VOLUME CONTROL (cc#07)

In order to give a natural feel, MIDI volume cannot simply
have a linear response to wind pressure.

The SYNTHOPHONE therefore provides you with
six different exponential curves with different
dynamic responses.

- side Bb, F & Eb   increase VOLUME level + 1
- side Bb, F & C decrease VOLUME level -1
- side Bb, F & Eb/C resets VOLUME to level 2
level 5 constant VOLUME at ff
level 4 VOLUME range from f < ff
level 3 VOLUME range from mf < ff
level 2 VOLUME range from mp < ff
level 1 VOLUME range from p < ff
level 0 VOLUME range from pp < ff
The panic function resets VOLUME to level 2.
M U S I C A L   A P P L I C A T I O N S  
- If you want total dynamic control (i.e. clarinet) then select volume level 0.
- If you play percussive sounds, level 5 will yield more idiomatic results.
- Setting the volume to level 5 will allow you to trigger sounds with a very light tonguing technique.
- If you play string ensemble sounds, try level 3 or 4.  You will still get a certain amount of dynamic control, but also provide enough volume support to pass by some of the decaying sound.
- When using BREATH control as your dynamics controller, volume should be typically set to level 5 (maximum).